Counselor Corner
Welcome to the Heritage Heights' Counselor Corner
Everyday life has changed and will continue to change, often with little notice. Now more than ever children may need additional social and emotional support.
Please understand I am here to support you. Please don't hesitate to contact me. Also, the Sweet Home Elementary Counselors have created the Elementary Counselors Resource Page to link families to a variety of resources that promote health and wellness. It is a great source of information.
Mr. Glorioso
(716) 250-1533
Office hours are from 8:00am – 3:30pm, Monday through Friday
Appointments can be made in person or by calling 250-1533
What does a school counselor do?
The school counselor does the following:
Counsels Students
1. The school counselor works with individual students to help them be successful in school with their academic, social and personal development. A parent can access these services by speaking with their child's teacher, Mr. Smorol, or with Mr. Glorioso. If someone has referred a child for these services other than a parent, the parent will be contacted for permission.
1. The school counselor works with individual students to help them be successful in school with their academic, social and personal development. A parent can access these services by speaking with their child's teacher, Mr. Smorol, or with Mr. Glorioso. If someone has referred a child for these services other than a parent, the parent will be contacted for permission.
2. The counselor may also conduct small group counseling to enhance developmental areas such as friendship skills, anger management skills, conflict resolution skills, and other areas that students may need.
Teaches Classroom Guidance
1. The school counselor teaches whole group lessons in the regular classroom to help all students develop an awareness of self, others, and the world around them. Their academic, social and career development is fostered through a planned series of activities throughout the school year.
Consults with Others
1. The school counselor consults with teachers to discuss behaviors and individual needs of students, to assist in enhancing the total development of the students, and to provide support when needed.
2. The counselor consults with parents to help with problems that may be occurring at school and at home, to follow up on concerns regarding their child's progress, and to link parents with outside resources when needed.
3. The school counselor consults with administration to provide the most effective learning atmosphere the schools can offer.